Saturday 18 June 2016

The Caribbean: Relaxation in Paradise

Welcome to the Caribbean 

A multicultural, melody of colors dancing under the sun, fringed by the alluring beaches and soaked in rum- the Caribbean exemplifies a  joyous fusion of islands beckoning paradise-hunters. Rocked by music, wrapped in change, enclosed by turquoise waters and blown by the kisses of hurricanes- never a dull moment, this paradise is constantly on the move.
It's picturesque, lively and intoxicating profusion of people and places dispersed over 7000 islands. Each island is unique and exploits its mesmerizing beauty in various ways. Azure seas, white beaches, lush green forests, it will leave you wanting more.

Take a swim and you're in for a treat of darting fishes and corals. The colors are infectious- the Caribbean will color your life in ways never imagined. Seeking an adventure, the Caribbean is the place to be with many islands, beaches, cultures, flavors and waves to choose from. It is impossible to visit only once.

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